Welcome to the official website of the Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CT-MRI) Society of the Philippines!  CTMRISOCIETY.org

The first quarter of  2010  marks  the kick-off of the CT-MRISP’s official website www.ctmrisociety.org.

The website is equipped with updated news and information about the society, including highlights of its historic past,  president’s message,  lists of   board of directors,  roster of members, details on fellowship training programs, i.e., rolls of board of examiners, examination dates and announcements and accredited CT-MRI institutions, regular meetings and conventions  and society’s secretariat.

The website also takes pride  of its  user-friendliness, basic and simple design for easier access.  Realized through the initiative of  society’s  current executive committee and secretariat, this website aims to help disseminate information and provide inter-active feedback mechanism  urging members to get hold of the chance to keep an open, quick link and strengthen bond with the society in general.